Welcome to the Wadsworth Blue Tip Festival!
Bluetip Mission Statement: to provide wholesome annual family entertainment to the Wadsworth community for the purpose of returning earned profits to non-profit Wadsworth organizations enhancing the wellbeing of our local community.
The Blue Tip Festival is a five day celebration of the Wadsworth, Ohio community. It starts with a world class parade and the lighting of a giant, twenty foot blue tip match which lights downtown Wadsworth during the festival's duration. The festival then offers attendants their choice of amusement rides, festival foods, midway games, contests, and other entertainment. The Festival begins on the first Tuesday after Father’s Day, and runs through Saturday.
Wadsworth Blue Tip 50th Anniversary Celebration Video
Courtesy Jenny Young and WCTV
This is a great opportunity to showcase your business. We have many options available to choose from based on your needs.