Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


When is the parade?
The Parade starts Tuesday, June 17th, 2025 at 6pm.

What if it rains?
The parade goes rain or shine

When should I arrive if I am in the Parade?
While the Parade begins at 6:00 PM., all participants are required to REPORT BETWEEN 4 and 5 PM!!

Where does the parade set up?
Wadsworth High School

How long is the Parade?
The parade route is approximately 2.5 miles and runs from the High School to Isham Elementary School.

Are we permitted to throw candy to the kids?
Candy should be distributed by walkers only as close to the curb as possible so as to keep young children from coming close to the moving vehicles.

Can my unit stop to perform in front of the judges?
No. No unit should fail to keep up with the unit ahead of them to perform, converse with spectators or for any other reason. These cause large gaps in the parade which is the top complaint of viewers.


When is the festival?
The festival always begins the first Tuesday after Father’s Day. This year that is on JUNE 17th. It continues until that Saturday.

Where is the festival?
The festival is located in the football parking lot on the North side of Art Wright Stadium.

Where can I park?
Parking is available around the West side of the stadium. Enter the park system off Grandview Rd. and follow the Blue Tip Match signs.

Is there handicap parking?
There are handicap spots on the south side of the stadium.

What are the costs of ride tickets / passes?
Costs are set by the ride provider. We do not know the costs until the festival.

Does the ride providers take credit cards?
No, they are only equipped for cash. There is an ATM on grounds.

Speeder Ride

Where is the ride located?
377 Main Street in the parking lot by the railroad tracks